Current Events

Anointing Weekend ...
... will be celebrated at all the Masses the weekend of September 21-22. Be sure to call the parish office as soon as you can to reserve your place. Anointings are limited to 20 people per Mass. However, you can call the parish office to set up an appointment with Fr. Nate for a private anointing. The telephone number for the parish office is 517-223-8684.
If you would like to greet Anointing candidates, let us know by calling the Christian Service office as soon as possible. It's a blessing to be a greeter! Bonus = an experienced greeter will be there to provide help and support!


The Council’s next blood drive will be on Monday, September 23rd. Please go online to the American Red Cross’ website to register: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive. You can also call 1-800-RED-CROSS to get information. Let’s make this our most successful drive yet!

It's time to register for the 14th annual Pace the Priest 5k & Fun Run benefitting St. Mary's School, Williamston.
This event is to raise money for St. Mary's Catholic School, and many St. Mary's students attend St. Agnes as their home parish.
This 5k event is at St. Mary School Williamston on October 5th at 9 AM, Kid's Fun Run at 10 AM. 
Register before September 19th to be entered into the early registration prize drawing for a chance to win a great prize or free registration, and be guaranteed your choice of size for your race T-shirt.
Scan the QR code in the image or click here to register: https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/Williamston/StMarySchoolWilliamstonPacethePriest
You won't want to miss this fun, family event!



Have you been by Mt. Olivet Cemetery recently? Our new columbarium is installed!
Oh! And mark your calendars for Saturday, October 5th at 10 AM for our annual Fall Cemetery Clean-Up Day.

ShopWithScrip is now RaiseRight

Scrip (NOW RaiseRight) is gift cards from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift cards that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in the RaiseRight program including Meijer, Wal-Mart, VG’s, Tanger Outlet Mall, Subway, Panera, Starbucks, Speedway, etc. We have $25 Journeys cards and $25 iTunes cards available! There are hundreds of retailers available, check out this UPDATED LIST.

Participating RaiseRight retailers sell gift certificates to the parish at a discount. You buy the gift cards for full face value through the parish; redeem them for full face value, and St. Agnes keeps the difference as revenue.

The parish has purchased some of the most popular gift cards to have on hand. Cards may be purchased by check, cash or credit card (3% fee will apply to credit cards). Order forms are also available for ordering cards we do not have in stock. Individuals may set up their account and link to us at raiseright.com and our enrollment code is 6EBC75C44193L.

AND, RaiseRight now has an app! Check out this VIDEO for more info!

So, whether you are purchasing groceries for the holidays, teachers gifts, gift cards or have a home improvement project lurking in the future please keep us in mind.  Every little bit helps!!