Quick Links
Parish Informational Links
Cemetery Rules (updated April 2024)
Cemetery Columbaria Update (April 2024)
Christian Service Ministry Brochure (updated September 2024)
Ministry Schedule (November 2024-January 2025)
Parish Activities at a Glance (2023-24)
Parish Financial Report (Fiscal Year 2023-24)
Parish New Family Registration (updated March 2022)
Prayer and Sacrament Request Form
Faith Formation Documents
- Welcome to Faith Formation at St. Agnes
- St. Agnes Faith Formation Code of Christian Conduct
- 2024-25 Grade Schedule (updated August 2024)
- 2024-25 Full Year Schedule (updated August 2024)
Registration Documents
To use these documents, print them off, complete them manually, and drop them off at/in the Faith Formation Office or Drop Box
Faith Formation Registration
Health History Form
To use these documents, save them to your computer, fill them in electronically, and return them to Iris (winiarskiiris@gmail.com) via email.
Faith Formation Registration-fillable
Health History Form-fillable
Other Helpful Links
Faith Magazine (Online Edition)
Livingston County Catholic Charities (website link)
Livingston County Ultrasound Initiative (website link)
Livingston YAM (Young Adult Ministry) (Facebook page link)
RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) Order Form (updated September 2024)
RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) Retailer List (updated September 2024)
Upon the Passing of Proposal 3 - A Message of Hope from Bishop Boyea
Christ's Words of Consolation After Prop 3 Passing - an essay by Christy Whiting