Pre-K to Grade 6
Iris Winiarski, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Pre-school through Grade 6
2024-25 Faith Formation is LIVE!
Faith Formation Documents
- Welcome to Faith Formation at St. Agnes
- St. Agnes Faith Formation Code of Christian Conduct
- 2024-25 Grade Schedule (updated August 2024)
- 2024-25 Full Year Schedule (updated August 2024)
Registration Documents
To use these documents, print them off, complete them manually, and drop them off at/in the Faith Formation Office or Drop Box
Faith Formation Registration
Health History Form
To use these documents, save them to your computer, fill them in electronically, and return them to Iris ( via email.
Faith Formation Registration-fillable
Health History Form-fillable
St. Agnes is happy to offer a faith formation process called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
This process offers a hands on approach to children learning and building their own relationship with Jesus the Good Shepherd. We have built a special room, called an Atrium. This is a quiet, peaceful place for children to encounter God, filled with wonderful works for them to concretely see the mysteries of our faith through scripture, prayer and liturgy.
Each level is a three year process starting at age three and continuing until they are in third grade. (4-6th grade coming soon.) It is important for the younger three year old child to attend class, these early lessons prepare them for the much bigger works to come.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 1
Ages: 3-5 years old
Grades Pre-School through Kindergarten:
Children are introduced to the basics of our faith such as Mass and the items used for Mass, Baptism, the Holy Bible, Geography through the Parable of Jesus as the Good Shepherd as our main theme. We would invite you to visit an Atrium to get the true sense of our program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level 2
Ages: 6-9 years old
Grades 1-3
Level 2 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is for grades 1st -3rd. This is a three year program focusing on the Liturgy of the Eucharist, sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist, scripture and geography. This level will aid students in forming a deeper sense of faith through the parable of ‘The Vine’ - how Jesus is united with them and with all people of all time. This level also includes sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. (NOTE: Participation in Grade 1 is a pre-requisite to preparing for and receiving the sacraments in Grade 2.) Please come visit this prepared room in the fall.
If you have any questions please call Iris Winiarski at 517-223-8684 ext 309 or email
Traditional Religious Education
Ages: 9-12 years old
Grades 4-6
We offer traditional learning style with touches of Good Shepherd hands on work. We learn about Salvation history, Old and New Testament studies and a deeper study of Mass and the liturgies of our church. We learn how we can live in the Kingdom of God in covenant relationship with Christ.