Browsing Fr. Nate's Homilies

OT 16 - July 21

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the Lord.”

In case you missed it --- that’s Jeremiah (from our First Reading) prophesying to the people of Judah.  And from the context, Jeremiah (moved by what he believes God is asking of him) ... Read More »

OT 14 - July 7 (Year B)

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

“Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary . . .?

Would that have been us?  Would we have been among those who had a hard time making sense of Jesus --- the person many of them had seen grow up?  In one sense, they could see some ... Read More »

OT 12 - June 23

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

A woman’s job is on the line, and she hopes she won’t get fired.

A couple’s child is sick, and they want nothing more than for their child to get better.

One spouse wants a divorce, and the other wants to work it out.

Something causes a friendship to ... Read More »

OT 11 - June 16 Year B

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

We all want the best things in life to grow.  We like it when we see our number of true friends grow from a few to more than we can count.  They provide us with support, guidance, laughs and memories.  And we like it when our bank statements and ... Read More »

OT 10 - June 9

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

“He is out of his mind.”

So said many of those who encountered Jesus or heard about Him.  Why would they say that?  It’s true that Jesus was probably somewhat “different” from many other people they knew.  But was his behavior truly that of a crazy person?  What was ... Read More »

OT 9 - June 2 - Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Posted by Fr Nate Sokol

Sacrifice is a difficult thing.  And the sacrifice of Jesus is even more difficult to fathom.  Now most of Jesus’ life leaves us feeling pretty good about things --- edified, encouraged, impressed, comforted.  We see him in a manger at Christmas and we are amazed that our God chose ... Read More »