Browsing Deacon's Homilies

15th Sun. O.T.- Dcn. Bill Kenney

Posted by Bill Kenney on 7/14/24

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time- Undercover apostles of Christ

Ref. Amos 7:12-15,  Mk 6:7-13            7-13/14-24 Dcn. Bill Kenney

     There’s a “reality” TV show called, “Undercover Boss”, whereby a wealthy business owner, stripped of his glamorous lifestyle, poses as a common worker in his business to see how he ... Read More »

13th Sun Ord Time- Dcn. Bill Kenney

Posted by Bill Kenney on 6/30/24

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time- The battle of faith over fear

Ref. Ps 30: 2-13 and Mk 5:21-43            6-29/30-24 Dcn. Bill Kenney

     In today’s Gospel from St. Mark, Jairus fears and pleads in faith for his daughter’s healing. The hemorrhagic woman’s faith for healing is met with fear, ... Read More »

The Most Holy Trinity- Dcn. Bill Kenney 5-26-24

Posted by Bill Kenney on 5/26/24

The Most Holy Trinity

 The power of a name

(ref. Matt. 28:16-20) Dcn. Bill Kenney 5-26-24



     I like to think and hope that each name given a person for their entire life is divinely inspired.  Each name, we pray, should be revealed through the promptings of ... Read More »

Ascension Yr B- Dcn. Bill

Posted by Bill Kenney on 5/13/24

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20         5-12-24 Dcn. Bill Kenney

     Have you ever created a “bucket-list” of things to accomplish or experience in your life? Before his ascension, Jesus gives us the ultimate bucket-list challenges for our ... Read More »

5th Sun. of Easter

Posted by Bill Kenney on 4/28/24

Fifth Sunday of Easter – April 28, 2024  Yr B- Dcn. Bill Kenney

Remain on the Vine to yield greater fruit

Readings: Acts 9:26–31 • Psalm 22:26–27, 28, 30, 31–32 • 1 John 3:18–24 • John 15:1–8


     We all certainly appreciate the beautiful grounds of our parish. Our St. Agnes ... Read More »

Palm Sun. 3-24-24 Mk 14:1-15:47 Dcn. Bill Kenney

Posted by Bill Kenney on 3/24/24

Palm Sunday Homily Mar. 23/24, 2024  Dcn. Bill Kenney

Mark 14:1—15:47

The Passion narrative is God’s Word written and Will fulfilled for our salvation.

     The re-telling and remembrance of the Passion of Jesus Christ should give us pause to the wonder and awe, sorrow and grief of these ... Read More »

4th Sun of Lent- Dcn. Roger/Dcn. Bill

Posted by Bill Kenney on 3/12/24

4th Sun. of Lent Dcn. Roger C.  Mar. 10, 2024 (Dcn. Bill K. italics)

                           Do you believe in Jesus?

     What a ridiculous question, right?  Preaching to the choir. But I’m serious.   

      Do you really believe in Jesus?  It’s a question many of us ponder from ... Read More »

2nd Sun. of Lent 2024 The Transfiguration Dcn. Bill Kenney

Posted by Bill Kenney on 2/24/24

  2nd Sun. of Lent- the Transfiguration Mk 9:1-15

Dcn. Bill Kenney 2-24/25-2024

The glory of God revealed in the Transfiguration

and in our lives


     During school breaks in Tucson, Arizona (GO Wildcats!) we use to drive up to nearby Mt. Lemmon. At 9,000 ft, the air ... Read More »

4th Sunday of Advent- Dcn. Bill

Posted by Bill Kenney on 12/24/23

Fourth Sunday of Advent Yr. B – December 24, 2023 Rf.: Lk 1:26–38

Give your fiat to Christ at Adoration

         The Macy’s Parade was an annual TV tradition in our family, as I’m sure in most of yours. As kids, we’d watch with great anticipation ‘til the ... Read More »

Corpus Christi Yr A 6-11-23 Dcn. Bill Kenney

Posted by Bill Kenney on 11/27/23

Eucharistic living with Christ’s Real Presence 6-10,11-23    Jn 6:51-58,66-68

      What does it take for you to believe in something? I mean really believe in your heart and soul something is true even if you don’t understand everything about it. What I mean is having faith. Typically, we believe ... Read More »